
Welcome to Miami

Welcome to Miami


Upon waking, he had

hoped she

might have seen him

in a whole

different light ..

Maybe, in honest

rich colours or

even some rare ones ..

But hey,

who could possibly

know for sure

and at what point

or cost, take note tho’ ..

He always made

such a big thing out of

being a poet ..

Then not long after,

good morning,

she said, as she lifted

her head and placed it

back down again,

swiftly, in the nest of

both palms rested

lightly on her elbows ..

And then,

she yawned, welcome

to Miami sir

just be sure to have

a good time

while you’re in town ..

But in the interim,

I must say that old Cuban

stamp in your

new English passport

looks cool ..

Are you from out of state

by any chance ..

Right now, I’m not sure

he replied,

but I don’t care anymore ..

Then leaned across

and kissed her shoulder ..

Just inches below

the hummingbird tattoo ..

She lay there,

smiled and said don’t you

dare tell a soul ..

It was meant to be some

kind of swordfish ..

But hey, your fingertips

and tongue on my

wings and my dorsal fin

like that will

sure do nicely for now sir ..