


Cheers to 21.

Cheers to 21. So, iconic especially since I’ve already experienced drinking at a young age. 

Cheers to 21.

A year where we all get excited to buy alcohol.

A year where it’s legal to buy it without having to hide.

A year where you get to live the best day of your life in drunkenness.

It’s a 21st birthday tradition.

Being in my twenties . Your 20\'s are your selfish years the world says to you just to have “fun”

Old enough to make the right decisions and young enough to make the wrong ones.

Be selfish with your time, travel, explore, fall in and out of love, be ridiculous and silly, stupid and wild the world says.

Cheers to 21.

A year where everyone tells you , you have time . Another telling you start now. But it’s a year where you are most confused because it’s a year where your future starts. Trying to find the starting point.

I found my starting point the day I met God.

In the mist of all this confusion God calmed my worries of what is to come. 

God was the only way to knowing who I really am and where I’m going. He’s my Lord. Through Him I find my Identity. Here’s to a young generation of people who seek the Lord in their young years. Cheers to 21. Serving the Lord. Thanking the Lord for another year. A blessed year. Cheers to 21.

I’m not longer cheering for the worldly 21st tradition but cheering and praising because I know that the only one who deserves to be praised is God all Mighty. The one who saved me. 21.