Accidental Poet

Didn’t It Used to Be?


Didn’t it used to be

That politicians would talk

About issues that face our world

A straight path they would walk


They’d talk about what they’ll do

To make the world a better place

Bring unity to its peoples

Compassion on a caring face


For nations to co-exist

Find the good in each other

That we can all work together

Like sisters and brothers


For politicians to be role models

Find solutions for unrest

Lead us into the future

With our children’s best interests


Didn’t it used to be

That politicians running for election

Would be on their best behavior

Knowing they’re under close inspection


These days they just want to fight

How they yell and cuss

Hang out each other’s dirty laundry

Throw one another under the bus


Politics has become a disgusting battleground

All respect cast to the wind

When the gloves come off

A distasteful warzone we’re in


I remember politicians in the past

Would earn our votes honestly

The truth always speaks for itself

No place for dishonesty


Didn’t it used to be

That politicians would act like adults

Instead of immature kids

Not conceding to unfavorable results


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024