Orions pen

Symphony of speech

A gentle endeavour, a pat on my back
A whisper in the breeze, a perk in my posture
I await you walking past, and I\'ve waited here many days
Anxiety in my blood, anticipation in my veins


My rose tinted eyes can only imagine
The courage of a man with the guts to speak
My constricted throat and pacing breaths
Will never amount to what I seek


As the moment approaches I start to think
Sporadic, chaotic, I stumble at my feet
Doing something to hide what I so long for you to see
This ballad of silence should\'ve been a symphony of speech


I pull myself together but its too late
This pathetic song has ended with the sound of you walking away
I\'ve never heard footsteps so hollow, yet I\'m not surprised
This isn\'t the first time something inside me has died