Thomas W Case


My natural instinct in
this flesh wrapped soul,
is to anestasize the
pain and ugliness of life.
Blackout the brutality and
cruelty in the world.
Close my eyes with booze,
drugs, sex, anything to
stop the oozing pain.

And then it dawned on me,
like the dew soaked morning,
opposite action is required.
Walk through the
pain with eyes wide open.
Let love and YHWH hold my
Sober, head held high.
Call me sentimental and foolish,
but I\'m a real mother fucker.

I\'m going to embrace the beauty.
It is all around me.
It\'s painted in the
sunset of the robin\'s breast.
It\'s in the
sublime melody of
the starry Night.
It\'s written in the
faces of all my brothers and
sisters in their pain and

Love is the answer to
every question;
I have to die to grow;
like a seed, a cell,
a fractured heart.
Bring it On Life!
If you knock me down,
I\'m getting back up.
I\'m resilient, and
no longer afraid.
Yes, this world can be
brutal, and we often
lose the ones we love,
but I\'m choosing
today, in this moment, to
take this wild ride called
life, and live it, and
love every second I have

Then, I can leave victorious.
What the fuck?
Everybody wants to win.