
Void Space Of Unfilled Cracks.

Where do you go, come and roll yourself on

 the throat on my heart\'s bloody shore,

The thoughts that embrace the screams buried in the deepest cores,

Please don\'t leave, please don\'t leave,

Come and be with me and with the demons we can cope,



Opening the stairs, the one that take the hollow space of neck,

Going stairs after stairs, going steps after steps,

Keep your wounds open, we can fill in those cracks,

Don\'t run too fast, don\'t strive for destiny to arrive in the journey that fast,

Stitching up the shreds, finding the lost shells,

Trust me, we can fill in those cracks,



There\'s darkness all around,

but there you see is moonlight in the middle,

There\'s rain all around,

But there you see is sun rising in the middle,

In the wooden hut made out of broken dreams,

Where all the darkness rushes, where all the demons sleep,

Trust me, we can reach the dances concealed under the seams,



The light that evokes from the center in the head,

The bright that abrubtly gets lost in the theatre bathed in red,

Half of stairs lit up while half eat the dead,

Just let my fingers kiss yours, and trust me,

We still can fill in those cracks,



If you are scared to step up the path that trembles your soul,

Let me be the stairs to take you high,

Let me the lanes that take you out to that dreamy ride,

With the designs that would kiss the prints of your feet,

Close your eyes for once, and trust me,

We can fill in those cracks,



Where do you go, where do you head,

What scares you now, when everything is eaten by me

to make you stay among the dead,

Oh, its not the surrounding, but the person that asks to stay,

Do you see my bloody smile now?

It’s the exact moment when the corpse themselves over the ground lay,



Go over me, go and leave me,

Because when does the eaten flesh matters,

When the damage inflicted is too scary for them

 to close their eyes, and trust,

Trust and stay with you to fill in those cracks.