
Show Up For Yourself

I’ve always been attracted to bettering myself mentally, physically, emotionally.

I always resonated to quotes about self care

, bettering myself, anything that was about me,me,me . I was trying to fix myself. It was always about me , it was always about my self strength. It got me no where.

The crystals didn’t give me the love I wanted.

The chakras didn’t calmed my anxious mind.

The tarots didn’t help me see the future.

The zodiac was telling me an identity that wasn’t true .


I still felt alone. I still felt the need to fix myself . I felt weak. I felt so tired of everything.

I didn’t feel worthy of this life. I didn’t like the feeling of having so much conflict in my mind and heart. Everyday. Everyday was a new demon trying to take me away from God enslaving me to what I wanted to be set free from.


By the Grace of God. He came after me just as I am. He said I was worthy. He loves me . He controls my anxious mind The Prince of Peace gave me a peace that the world couldn’t give me. I’m not worry about the future because I know who’s the author of tomorrow is. I found my identity in Christ. The one who died for me. He set me free from what I was allowing to enslaved me. He loves me even in my weakness. He showed up for me even in my darkest moments with comfort and love, when I couldn’t show up for myself. God forgive me for allowing myself to stray away from You. I know you will continue to love me through it all. This time it’s not by my strength but from Yours. You are my greatest defender. I will continue to live my life for You God! Thank you for your mercy!