Weep little lion girl

Romance is made up! (I swear to god!)

I had a story of you

made up in my head.

And though it\'s not true,

it got us in bed.

I keep them closed, my deceiving eyes,

so I won\'t see, that it\'s you I despise.



I\'ll admit I\'m scared of the dark,

and big scary dogs that bark.

But I\'ll never admit I\'m scared to commit

or bow or kneel. For you, I won\'t submit.

because if one day I decide I want to love you,

and I\'ll promise I really do.

you\'ll know I don\'t mean until we die.

i only know how to stare when you cry. 


I\'d bite your neck if you let me near.

You\'re the headlights and I\'m the deer.

You feel something it seems I\'m without

Something the storybooks tried to teach me about.


And you can kiss me evermore, 

but when love creeps in to fill me with doubt, 

I\'ll only point you towards the door.