Is anybody out there?

Global outage 

Airways in despair 

Are they that desperate to keep him off the air?


I wouldn\'t blame them he went on a little long-

How can they shut him down, he\'s got them on the run. 


Running mate off and running....


Do I need to repent?


A gun packing granny raised the boy!


From heaven sent?


Does covid have the others beat..

Or is Joey having another sleep.


Can anyone stop the roller-coaster, 

Democracy in action!


But it\'s not the main event...


Just the main attraction..


All I can say  there comes a day, when we get satisfaction...


Until then I\'ll keep my pen, and scribble some distraction...


About a King that suffers no offence;

Treats all people equally:

Has a strong defence. 


Pays no bribes to judges;

Doesn\'t speak in the dark;


One sent from the Father;

Who has the Fathers heart. 


Seeks a humble prose;

Doesn\'t seek the glory;


Doesn\'t look down his nose;

Brings a new chapter to the story. 


Raises the lowly;

Let\'s righteousness abound. 


Yes my friends you guessed it-

It\'s yet to be found.