
Drying Up?

Noooo, not a poem about the weather

If it turns sunny

Aww, let\'s not say it:

\'Summer this year was two days in June!\'

(Or other Summer month)


Not a poem either about drying the dishes

Though I chain KP to the sink

Well, she put a ball and chain on me

When we married - and threw away the key!

She\'s planning to do a book on her life history (true)

It\'ll be in the \'Horror\' section in libraries


Apparently she accepted to do this

With F-ing and B-ing

\'F-ing great!\' she said

And of course, with a pic of her

Living up to her motto:

\'Me, me, me, now and always

And trample over everyone else!\'


That\'s why I have to keep her in line

And be horrible to her regularly. lol

Saying things like:

\'You\'re looking more old-trout-like these days, my dear!\'


What IS this poem about? Asks Fido

Stop waffling, man!


Well, I\'ve dried up a bit on poems

The hymn-type ones

Even with a reserve of some older poems

That had not been posted

Unless I sort out some more old notebooks

Though you say: \'Hooray, Orchi\'s not gonna sing!\'

I probably will again soon. heehee