
The trumpet bell tolls

When the trumpet sounds, I pray in faith that I am far from this place.

That I may meet my Lord in heaven finally face to face. 

But a fear that I can never seem to shake,

Is that so many will be left behind whose hearts I did not chase.


How could I look down from the safe haven my Father has created,

Upon forgotten souls, left to wander an apocalyptic world ill-fated.

Destined for a period of suffering God\'s wrath,

Preparing for an eternity separated from his love.


If I share the truth and yet they still chose to not listen,

Then all I can do is pray they will break out of the enemy\'s prison.

But if I do not share, will they cry out at me, why did you not tell us?

Why did you keep the news of a saviour and not make a fuss?


Is it a parent, a sibling, a cousin, or a friend,

A complete stranger or is it all of them?

For if it was me, would I not want someone to tell me before the end? 


I seek you father and what you have planned ahead,

But I don\'t want to leave this place filled with regret

Of not reaching the lost, with things left unsaid. 


For a saviour who comes as a thief in the night,

Offering his love and eternal life,

Is a blessing I must never hide.


Every day you are willing to breathe life into my soul,

Help me go out father and reach your people,

To turn them to your before the trumpet bell tolls.