
The Scapegoat

And truth forms a violent wealth

My words are never shallow...

Brigade to brigade, I don\'t have to persuade

This is my life

And I am living my truth

But when it comes to family

There\'s always a price, a price to be paid

For lovely lilies don\'t grow on trees

It is the former persuasion

That lets them die

Oh how much does a rose have to pay

To be alive in the garden?

For roses stay fresh in the summer

But in any other season, they suffer;

Oh why must I suffer

In any other season?

For I am the scapegoat who listens

And I observe the right to be born

For my family and I

Have a misunderstanding

The love between us is gone

And naturally, I do not care

For life is like a piano without the keys

Shall I share my regret

That there\'s no music in here?

Amongst a mystery of mysteries

I can\'t understand

Why a child has to suffer alone

Behold a dead rose

That has gone out to pasture

There is no happily ever after for the bully

And there are so many roadblocks to success

Will the scapegoat ever win?

Why must you project

Your humiliation onto me?

Why must you humiliate me,

When I did nothing wrong?

For I am the scapegoat, don\'t you see?

For my darkness is your darkness, can\'t you see?

And all of the problems I have faced

Are all because of you,

For I am a paranoid desperation!

Caused by an utter abomination

Slaying a thousand swords unto me

And I am scathingly brilliant,

A scathingly brilliant idea!

For months I have denied my creativity

I wish I could bury my family

And never see them again

Unquestionably, there is no single doubt

There is only one chance

That love is defined by gravity

I shall bury this wicked romance!

And when the scapegoat escapes

There shall be freedom

And the walls will break before their eyes

For I am the scapegoat, and I am free

From this lament of entirety.