Gloria Denise

The feeling of sigh

I’ve been stuck in a loop

A stutter

A glitch if you will

Knowing the lesson

that should be learned

And choosing not to heal


Is it a choice

If i just need more time

If I need some grace

To realize that you aren’t mine


I lost something




my intentions were pure

But I feel so robbed

I feel like a heart unsure


Stuck in a loop

A sad

gray piece of time

While the world moves on

I still move

one second

At a time


What’s next they ask

You’re getting older they say

The world is moving past you girl

And I just need another day


I’ve lost friends

I’ve watch loves pass me by

Am I the problem, God?

How did I lose my place in line?


I don’t have the answers

Only God does

I’m only sure he has me here for a reason

One that I’ve clearly misunderstood


So I will by my time



and heal, Day by day

God has been giving me the grace I needed

It’s all his move anyway