

A new environment

Not something I am new to

But as usual, it comes with disadvantages

I won\'t lie, advantages too

New faces, new places

Attempted a new me

But as usual, a failed attempt

Only wanted to be who they want to see

Am I adapting? Am I changing?

Am I becoming a better version of myself?

Am I embracing?

Or am I just trying to be someone else?

What about those around me,

What about those that I have to see,

Or those that I get to meet

I can\'t wait for them to know more about me

Some think it\'s just a phase

\"You\'ll probably grow out of it\" they say

\"You should not tell me who I am to be!!\" I want to cry

Cries poured out in the night and not in the day

Luckily for me, I am finding better people

People who do not care about what I did yesterday

Ready to understand, interpret and read me

Hopefully, these people are here to stay.