
to be loved


 At 5 My mom always wrote little notes about “we love you”

At 6 My dad skipped his drinking buddies for me to play

At 7 i would ask “can i go hang out with them please” for them to say no

At 8 I would tell my parents “You don’t get it I hate you” oh how I regret it

At 9 my birthday came, and I ran quick to open what they got me 

At 10 I got my first dog as a present oh boy was i happy  i kept her shelter name 

At 11 I was getting use to school after online for my 4-5th grade for a while

At 12 I was in middle school excited to be in a huge building with new friends and new boys

At 13 I was in my last year of middle school one guy had my heart  i was happy to leave middle school

At 14 I noticed I hated the sound of my parents talking. Can you blame me for that? 

Now I\'m 14 and scared of high school and scared of the world without people I love.