
Pondering generations 

The future in the past..


Something programmed in us

Although the distances are vast.


How we got here

Who we are today 

And about our ancestors 

And if they had a say....


Each generation shares seed with another, and if you think of it, we should be all sister and brother!


Why all the everything what could it all mean?


Like many hybrids that look shiny and clean, their nutritional value is no where to be seen.


Seek the heirlooms scattered in the field, 


Bring them to the storehouse 


Gather the precious seed...


Plant them in the garden see if they will grow...


Tend them, water them-


And when the buds do show...


Prune them as required to get a better crop...


And if they don\'t produce..


Compost you have got. 


A quality yield needs good seed to be sown...


Deep in the field where no other goes...


To bring back the flavour of a very good season...


Producing the fruit of wisdom, not foolishness and treason..


What determines who controls the pack..


Or who should be the instructor that leads them down the track..


 Generations come-

Generations go.


And all that they produce is what someone else has sown.