
Way Of The Word

Tune: Repton

(\'Dear Lord and Father of mankind\')

Psalm 119 v.33-40


Teach me, O Lord, the way of your

Statutes, and I for sure

Shall keep that way unto the end

O with your power me defend

My Saviour and my Friend

My saviour and my Friend


Give me understanding, and I

Shall keep your law e\'er nigh

I shall observe it with whole heart

Seek to follow it, very part

And not from it depart

And not from it depart


Make me to go in path of your

Commandments, for there sure

Therein do I delight, and too

Incline my heart, so I do view

Your testimonies true

Your testimonies true


I not turn to covetousness

Nor to things here worthless

Turn my eyes aways from things vain

Renew me in your way again

And in my heart e\'er reign

And in my heart e\'er reign


Establish your word unto me

Your servant here I be

Who is devoted to your fear

And long after your precepts dear

O come to me, draw near

O come to me, draw near