Dev Parth

No More

No more echoes in the hollow halls,
The laughter that once filled the air, now silent.
No more footsteps on familiar paths,
Worn by years of love and wear.

No more lingering at the old oak tree,
Where secrets were whispered, dreams conceived.
The leaves have fallen, bare branches reach,
As if grasping for the memories left behind.

No more sunrise rituals at the shore,
The ocean\'s song now plays to a different tune.
The tide rolls in, but the heart does not stir,
For the sands of time have shifted, moved.

No more waiting for the familiar call,
The voice that warmed like a summer\'s day.
The echoes fade, as shadows stretch long,
A distant reminder of a yesterday.

No more, no more, the heart sighs deep,
Yet within the void, new life can creep.
For endings often lead to fresh new starts,
And from the silence, healing can impart.