
Everyone is infinite, the world is infinite and it is nothing. 

I am nothing as well, and I am infinite. 

I dream up my life and the stories I wish to tell myself, 

I dream up the past, and the future

I dream up a knife and cut open my heart. 

There it bleeds, light pours out from the wound.

Life flows from the seed inside my heart. 

The blood is light, the light is love. 

Love is the agony of life. To live is to suffer.

That is love. Love is the marriage of pain and bliss.

The union of darkness and light. 

Love is a sword, but when it strikes,

instead of killing, it gives life. 


I am nothing, I am infinite. 

I am a stone. 

I am the mist that covers the mountains. 

My spirit can withstand, my spirit can endure, my spirit unborn can never die.

My back is a cliff, beaten by the waves. 

I stand mighty, my head is the sky. 

My heart is pure, the blazing sun.

Shining endless love across the whole Earth.

My mind, the turbulent sea.

Monsters and mermaids lurk in the depths.

Shipwrecks, treasures, pearls, whirlwinds.

My mind covers the Earth and dreams emerge

from the tidal waves.

I am small. A tiny blot of ink.

A microscopic ant.

Abstract like splattered paint. 

My hues are wild and chaotic

My hues are like flames, 

like a fire burning in a cave.

I am a chrysalis floating, floating in an abyss

The flawless darkness sews wings

on the back of the caterpillar.

Behold a butterfly!

It rests on my finger as I sink into the ground.

For I am the Earth.

Dirt and dust and ash.

I am Death, the final breath.

My corpse is fertile soil

for flowers to bloom.