Dev Parth

Dancing Flames

In the hearth, the fire\'s warm glow,
A dance of flames, both fast and slow,
Each flicker tells a tale untold,
Of warmth, of passion, of hearts bold.

The wood crackles, whispers rise,
As embers catch and mesmerize,
In this light, shadows come alive,
A symphony where memories thrive.

The flames, they twist and intertwine,
A graceful waltz, a silent rhyme,
They reach, they fall, in endless chase,
A fleeting glimpse of time\'s embrace.

As warmth surrounds, the cold retreats,
In this moment, the heartbeats meet,
A silent bond in fire\'s dance,
A spark of life, a second chance.

So let the flames burn bright and free,
A symbol of what we can be,
In every blaze, a new day\'s dawn,
A light that shines when night is gone.