David Wakeling

An important Life.

The world is different at night.
It lacks the colours the day enjoys.
Cats dart down darkened drains,
Following the ever illusive mouse.
Lovers giggle as they hurry to a shelter,
In which they can escape together.
It is a world with unimportant tragedies.
There are people with unimportant thoughts.
Some see an infinite universe and feel insignificant,
They feel as tiny as an ant.
Every time they pluck a daisy it ends in “she loves me not”,
Others look out on the night sky and feel glorious,
They feel a sense of the importance,
The spectacular uniqueness of being.
Are we not part of a living planet,
That brings souls together,
Allowing violin music to fill the air.
Some eat a plum or a peach and think nothing of it,
others are transported to a joyous place,
Where happiness is enough.