The Night Owl

The Little Girl


Memories of joy, now tainted with pain

the little girl runs down the stairs

with tears of sorrow cascading

feelings too heavy to be said


She remembers describing it

as a house of memories

now feels like walking through

the gate with great misery


As she looks back,

she searches for the child, in her dread soul

laughter and tears entwine

a bittersweet reminder of this piece of time forsaken


Fleeting glimpses of past

reflecting regret in the ocean of the little girl’s eyes

she drifts off to the dreamland’s haze

convincing herself, this is just another nightmare’s daze


The day has finally arrived,

she stands tall with pride in her eyes

tangled thoughts yet arise in her already battling mind

she spreads her wings and soars up high in sky

leaving her fears to slowly die


Little did she know

what new storms would brew

though one thing was certain

she wasn’t just a little girl anymore