
Maybe It\'s Not For Me

I  am slowly starting to accept that maybe my path is not going to go how I planned,

Maybe at the end of the day, there will be no one there to hold my hand.

Maybe I need to accept the fact that I will never find love,

And that maybe it is not going to be my gift that is sent from above.

I always would wonder why I would never find it like the rest,

And it hurts because I am trying my best.

Maybe sometimes, no matter what you do, your best is not good enough,

At the end of the day, all of that is making you tough.

Maybe I am not finding love, but maybe I am finding so much more,

And maybe there is something else that I need to keep fighting for.

Maybe I am a little too broken to have someone ever love me,

Maybe they see through my mask, and they see the broken parts that I wanted no one to ever see.

Maybe I am realizing that all of that is okay,

And maybe I no longer have to fall apart everyday.

Maybe I have a purpose that is made to take me far,

And maybe I no longer need to pretend that I am okay and try to hide my scars.

I can finally embrace my story,

All of its ups and downs, and all of its failures and glory. 

Maybe I have the kind of story that it made to inspire others,

And maybe it no longer needs to feel like such a bother.

I no longer feel the need to pretend to be something that I am not,

And from here on out I am taking control, and I am going to write the plot.

Maybe I have made this a priority for too long,

And maybe I have been looking at this whole thing so wrong.

Maybe it was never that I wasn’t good enough for them, but they were never good enough for 


And now I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and that I am finally free.

I feel like for the first time in my life, I am living just for me,

And for the first time in my life, everything is going exactly how I want it to be.