Accidental Poet

Seven Years Here At MPS


While reading through

My distant back pages

Reliving poetic verses

The thoughts of my ages


Surprised was I to see

My anniversary with My Poetic Side

My very first entry here

By chance today would coincide


Seven years ago today

I arrived here at MPS

 Over five hundred poems

Shocked and amazed I must confess


Twenty Seventeen seems so long ago

Yet I remember it like yesterday

Where does the time go?

So often this I’m inclined to say


Who I was then

And who I am now

A journey of discovery

All I can say is WOW


I’ve written about this

And I’ve written about that

Where I’ve been to

And now here I’m at


I’ll write about love

And I’ll write about time

Even though I don’t like to

Of politics I’ll find a rhyme


My inner Muse less active

My writing has slowed down its pace

Causing the contemplation

There upon my face


Retirement has its setbacks

Now busier than when employed

With my four-legged best friend

Seeing his tail waggin’ I enjoyed


With my Muse

I’ll attempt to reconnect

Explore pages of new

Let’s keep that quill wet


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024