Thad Wilk

~> Stan And The Wishing Well - A Fable

Once upon a time there lived a nerd named Stan.

A kinda goofy and awkward type of man.

Spotted a \'wishing-well\' one sunny day.

He hurried over to it, yup without delay.

He always wanted muscles and to be trim.

But he\'d never exercise, nor would join a Gym?


Always a looking for an easy way out.

That\'s how, his worst nightmare came about!

Stan pulled out a dime then flipped it in.

I got it made, he thought with a grin.

I\'ll get the bod women long for finally!

They\'d be waitin\' in line, for a date with me. 


The way Stan worded his wish \'twas not too slick.

Got what he\'d wish for, BUT now Stan\'s a chick!

The moral of this fable, far as I can tell:

Be careful what you wish for or;

your life could be a living Hell~  


        ~~~~  THE END  ~~~~