
From Where It Came

by light of day. impassion.

a fortress lost in fog. obese.

black rose on mood of alter. soft as cheese.

the summit yet to climb. too short the pall,

it is here, I can touch it

I can feel it\'s breath the second it awakes.

the second that is twice the speed of this.

this something one can never understand.

to see is, after all, one perfect end.

the perfect end. as perfect it can be.

a second life. repose.

one face relaxed. one over-turned.

if it cannot turn, what chance it\'s undertone

of solemn mind. blue vein?

they are still here. this something

one can never understand.

by light of day. impassion.

tell me what you see

and what you see

to tell from where it came.