Bella Shepard

She Lay In Her Bed


On previous visits

She’d sat up in a wheelchair

A twinkle of mischief in her eyes

We’d talk and laugh

Listening to accordion music

She had played the instrument for many years

But today she lay in bed

A tiny figure covered with a blanket up to her chin

Her eyes were closed when I walked in

Someone had arranged her hair

In a little ponytail atop her head

It looked so cute

I leaned in close and said

“Wake up sleepy head”

She slowly opened her eyes

“It’s you” she said

 “yeah it’s me”

Though her voice was very weak

Her face lit up with a smile

She lay very still

But her hand came up to touch my cheek

“Would you like accordion music?” I asked

She shook her head

“Shall I play my favorite music for you?”

She nodded

And so we listened to Brahm’s lullabye

As I began to la la la to the music, she softly did with me

La la la, la la la, da da da da da da da

We listened to wonderful music for forty five minutes

And when it was time for me to go

I touched her cheek and said

“You’ve got a sweet spot on your cheek”

I’ll not wipe it off, but leave it there for next time

She smiled and we sang our goodbye song

As I walked down the hall I wondered

How much weaker would she be next time

As she lay in her bed