Gloria Denise


You can wake up now?

No, none of that happened…

None of it is true

You can want it forever

But they’re not coming back for you


he never gave you those violets

just because it’s Tuesday

you didn’t take that trip to Cabo

he didn’t even call to see if you made it home, okay


You can delete all the pictures

But, you can’t remove him from your mind

He’ll haunt you crazy

While you try to pass the time


You can’t get his scent off your clothes

Even Gain can’t mask that feeling of alone

Delete your playlist, he’s ruined all your favorite songs

the words will hit your heart all wrong


See how he ruined you

I don’t know if there will be a next

Tell me was it love

Or did he just have something to prove


Is this just confusion?

He says: Tell me how have you been handling the self-inflicted delusions?

Just because we can’t see your heart,

That doesn’t mean there aren’t scars.


You try to hide from me

But I see you clear

How quickly did you pull away?

When anyone shows a sign that they might care?


It won’t always be this way

It won’t always be this hard

One day you’ll wake up

and healing is never too far