
The Mystery of a Woman

The Mystery of a Woman


I do wonder

After all that’s been seen and done 

if she really killed him and

what she did with the gun

Not that she didn’t have her reasons

his abuse was number one

his cheating, his drinking

his time on the run

Ok! He wasn’t perfect

but who is?. . . No one..


Maggie was a charmer

a vivacious coquette

a brown-eyed brunette.

with a face too beautiful to forget

She was a pillar of the community

Friendly to everyone she met 

willing to help out a neighbor

likable from the outset.

OK! She wasn’t perfect

but she never was. . . a threat.


Here’s how they found him

that abusive loudmouthed pighead;

Sitting on the couch watching TV….

only, with a head full of lead.