Isn\'t it funny
I swear, even the ghost of Napoleon
would die laughing
when people say to you
your luck can change
with the force of the wind?
but my nosey neighbours?
two old ladies
with nothing better to do
well they never change
they are like the F.B.I
and I\'m talking the best part
of nineteen years I\'ve put up with them on this island
always worried about my weight
and my clothes
I could be a stick insect
and they would still find
something to offend me with
when I open the venice blinds
they\'re hung out their windows
dried up like prunes
they\'re like old laundry
that should\'ve been taken in
weeks ago
just staring down on me
I swear I can feel them
I can\'t help but look up
I\'m always polite though...
I always say ciao
and in return
they do the same
only with fake smiles
and to top it all
like sweet cherries
on a magnificent cheesecake
made with cream of pistachio
and chocolate
I open my emails each evening
hoping for an email
that isn\'t sent by me
to me
there\'s nothing...
I still haven\'t received one
from the thousand author house\'s
that I send my poetry too
on an hourly basis
offering me the amazing and
exclusive book deal
with a very generous cheque
offered for my genius
I suspect Napoleon
never had to put up with this shit
did he?