Thad Wilk

~> A Troglodyte Named Zog!

Look, Zog discovered a new trick! 

That four eyed nerd is pretty slick.

He no use hands cooks with a stick.

Me always thought he was a dick.

Very creative little prick.


Got my attention that\'s for sure.

Burnt hands we\'ll no longer endure.

This invention will be the cure.

We\'ll patent this to reinsure,

amputations will be obscure.


This \'brainstorm\' will be in demand.

We will take credit understand.

Bet it\'s worth about fifty-grand!

They\'ll throw a party big brass band.

We\'ll be icons known cross the land.


\'Nother idea Zog had sounds good;

talked about a wheel, made of wood~

