
Hot Off the Press

Hot Off the Press


It’s there on the front page.

From an absent-minded sage

who Op-Eded the clash

of those hauling in cash 

and those driving for “DoorDash” 

In the op-ed, as I said

an article on the gap 

between the rich and the poor.

How the poor are either dying or dead

while the rich are lying in bed 

and living in the lap 

of wealth and amour.


Send in the clowns….

Where are the clowns?....

Don’t worry they’re here.


In Florida. There’s a new circus in town

their burning books

 and trying to take Disney down.

Mickey Mouse challenged to a joust.

Busing their immigrants to sanctuaries

that operate at a loss.

They should be sending them Lemon’s

like in Glengarry Glen Ross.


In the Centerfold, looking very old 

photos of them, two very old men.

In seeking to lead, sometimes you bleed

sometimes you bow out, before the checkout 

and a leader emerges among polling surges.


In the Sports it’s all about France.

Competition at a glance: Too many events

with too many segments.

Neck is sore, I can’t take it any more. 

Not everyone’s there, too busy at war

too many dead to account for.

One bright spot beneath the tower

came a voice to overpower

and take us away for an hour

from the threat of Nuclear War.


The Health section is indisposed, I suppose.

Way too many drugs with side effects

including the death effect.

They call it Big Pharma for a reason

Not because their tending the fields

It’s because they’re fielding the ($) tender.

No, Big is the reason

as in billions of dollars 


Back page has photos of aging tyrants

facing their own doom, 

they become aspirants

trying to claim the world as their own

living on human growth hormone

looking as though their half alive

and are part of the has-been archive.

We need to monitor these creeps

to insure they don’t fall asleep

and blow us to kingdom come.

In the Science section it\'s all about AI

and the disappearance of processes

that once required thought.

How they will be transmogrified 

into robotic responses and job losses.

We forgot, “What hath God wrought?”

It’s now “What’s in your Wallet?”

IOU everything I’ve got.


Welcome to the world of AI Wars.