Accidental Poet

The Proof in Plain Sight


“Kiss My Rump Donald Trump” by Sandy and Richard Riccardi



Knowing right from wrong

Applies to everyone

Even you Mr. Trump

You old fart piece of dung


I know I’m not alone

When I say your full of it

There’s a stench that follows you

And it smells a lot like shit


It comes out of your butt

It comes out of your mouth

Sorry to inform you

Your claim of genius is in doubt


Politicians use a prepared speech

Whereas you just let it fly

Not of solving Human Relations

But stories to all but you, a lie


Your quoted as saying

“Let’s make America great again”

I hear it differently

Let’s make lying wrong again


At your rallies

You dance up quite a storm

But you’re your own worst enemy

A slimy self-centered worm


Someone running for political office

Doesn’t act like you do

Come November you’ll be found

Sitting in your own pile of poo


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