
With controversy over the opening of the games..


The aftermath seems a bit insane!


Probes into death threats for the artistic director-


And someone called \"Butch\" got extra attention..


 Now accusations of \"Israeli\" roots??


I find the diversion a little cute..


If Israel was chosen of God-


What the hell is he doing with this mob?


It was said, \"threats are coming mostly from the USA\"-


If that\'s \"Christianity\" they seem to have lost their way. 


Evil is here, flaunting like Sodom..


But, so what,


That\'s their problem. 


As gross darkness covers the earth..


No need for despair, if you know your worth...


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom...


Understanding secures his kingdom...


In it is no Canaanite..


There is no one there to fight...


Best to find it before the day..


When the mourners wail..


To no avail.