
How Un-Easy It Stands, This Sublime.

how un-easy it stands, this sublime.

through the pocket of an eye

watch it trace the great heart as it sleeps.

as happy as a cocktail stick

hanging with the tulips like an owl.

all corners of it\'s mouth talk upside down.

if only it was sweet enough to rain

to clean the second layer of it\'s skin.

the world itself has yet to grow alone

it\'s lock of hair, it\'s one-dimension prose,

it\'s seven toes of wonderment,

it\'s blanket for the cold hands of a rose.

when comes the last hurrah for sake of kin?

it is August here but still it reigns July.

the seventh earl of constant shade and myth

still spreads his wings of thyme and hyacinth.

the marching band of orpheus

of what great stars are these we cannot see?

the single scar

above the rolling eyes of one such man

who has bottled me as burgundy

and sent me to the heavens in a can.

if only it was sweet enough to rain

the three little pigs of age and chivalry;