
The Chase

I shall cast broken sorrows upon you

And may you never forget me

For we all like to admire something imperfect

I may be a slave to the world,

Yet why can\'t I be a slave for you?

For I will slay dragons for you

And I will capture the flames...

Yes this is all a fantasy

That may or may not come true

Such cryptic messages

Run through my veins

Behold the secret that is near,

For I am no one\'s slave!

I am just a girl holding a thought

Too profound and too jealous for your heart

Yet you can tear me in pieces

And be with me

Isn\'t that how love is supposed to be?

For love is not a normal circumstance

Especially when a girl is just chasing a boy

Can I have my childhood back?

For I want it to be roses this time

Growing in a perfect garden

In an imperfect world

For the thrill of the chase is gone.