
The unforgiving Christian

The most conflicting thing you can be, is an unforgiving christian,

Waist deep in the shores of others issues, unassigned judgement as your mission.


Maybe they didn’t speak to you in the tone you wanted,

Maybe it was the greed and wealth that they flaunted,

Maybe it was the injustice from the person that they taunted.


Or maybe your judgement crawls and leans towards,

Other people\'s issues, as a distraction from your own flaws.

If your judgement comes from intent to harm rather than a place of love,

Consider your own ways first and if this duty was truly sent from above.


Behind the lies, smite, sin and every effort to destroy,

Is a child of God, God made with a different story,

To love and to be loved, with a purpose to shine his glory.


The person that your heart holds the most grudge against,

Is the person you must pity most and pray for repentance.

If we all used the effort it takes us to condemn,

Towards lifting others to their calling, we are building the kingdom.