Dev Parth

Crying For Freedom

In the quiet shadows of the night,
Where chains of silence hold so tight,
A whisper stirs, a muted plea,
For freedom\'s song, for liberty.

Eyes once bright now dull with pain,
Yearning for the cleansing rain,
Of justice, hope, a future clear,
Beyond the walls of doubt and fear.

A single tear, a crystal stream,
Carries forth a fragile dream,
Of open skies and boundless seas,
Of voices raised, of spirits free.

Each droplet falls, a silent scream,
A testament to the broken dream,
Of shackled minds and tethered souls,
Longing for the dawn\'s first toll.

The heart beats on, though burdened so,
With dreams of places it longs to go,
Where laughter rings and joy abounds,
And peace is found in simple sounds.

Yet still we cry, we plead, we fight,
For the dawn to break, for the morning light,
To cast away these chains of night,
And bathe us in the warmth of right.

For freedom\'s tears are not in vain,
Each drop a mark of endured pain,
A promise made, a vow to keep,
Till liberty wakes from its sleep.

So let us cry, let rivers flow,
For every tear will help us grow,
Towards a world where we are free,
To live, to love, to simply be.