
9th poem for - “T.N.D” - Silenced

(9th poem)

That Night’s Dream



level headed, above intellectual, and often humble

 the humorous ways to each other we would mumble

an understanding of conversations between us two

dead centered, left of the middle, but with a side view


stood firmly with arms crossed and eyebrows raised

loud voices at different points for reasons made

the back and forth we played rythmatic games

we admitted when wrong and took deserved blame


tallied the arguments, apologies, and favors owed

drew terrible pictures when our minds were slowed

hand motions, nods, winks, and loving kisses blown

each of our similar but different points of views known


the impressionable conversations between us two

last played when I was in that dream with you

our heartbeats, when we held each other lovingly tight

that melodic tune with everything, was silenced that night