
Blackcurrant Squash


When there’s need, for thirst to quash,

then gulp down, blackcurrant squash,

let fruity water, be a friend,

give it title: “the world’s blend!”


For a cup of tea, has aftertaste,

such sourness, that Empire chased,

and a coffee mug, gives off stench,

tastes like business; cannot quench,


nine pints of beer, cannot sate,

spewed up kebab’s, upon the plate,

and any other kind of booze,

could be the cause of cuts and bruise,


milk does have good quality,

yet, there is lactose quandary,

and every type of energy drink,

really brings the fuel to sink,  


gym made smoothies, we do know,

but we eat veggies, that do grow,

the sap and nectar, in the trees,

we should leave, for the bees,


this is no ad, you could’ve skipped,

but you’ve read, what I’ve dripped,

my solution, my mouthwash,

here I drink, blackcurrant squash!