
Me, Mary And Nature.

Another day on the field

Trying to knock a ball through a hoop,

But on this day it was not important,

Not important to me

As I was surrounded by beauty,

The beauty of Nature surrounded me.

The woodlands full of green

As they sloped up the hills,

The horizon going up and down,

Not a building in sight

As the forests soared around,

Their glory covering the land.

I would look up,

Look up to the bright blue sky,

So clear and alluring

With the occasional white cloud

Floating gently in the blue.

Best of all was she was there,

My lover was there

And between matches

We would sit close together

And share our love with the glory,

The glory of Nature.

So, there we were,

Me, Mary and Nature

Joining in the wonder,

The wonder of our life,

Our life together.