
Brokenhearted Charities

Brokenhearted Charities


Open your heart for only $19.99 a month

Just $00.69 a day.

How much will it cost to mend a broken heart?

How much can you pay?

Love is not on sale.

Those that try to sell it are frigid heirs. 

Those that try to buy it are webers

and should stay off their computers, both of them.

The brokenhearted need more than

69 cents worth of love, daily.

Maybe, those that break a heart 

should be fined $19.99 a month for life

and it would pay for everyone that needs love.

Call in and report the HE/SHE who broke your heart

The emergency number is 1-2-1

If the line is busy, well, what did you expect?

Send a letter to Little Cupid @ The Equatorial Igloo

but hurry. Time is of the 6th sense.

If your heart has been broken

You are entitled to reparations.

Call that number or write your letter

OK the first calls are coming in.

We have Patrick from Kentucky.

And he’s claiming Brenda also of Kentucky 

broke his heart beyond repair.

So, Brenda if you’re reading this please call 

and we can link you up with Patrick

and maybe you two can work this out.

If not, Brenda, we’ll have to assess you

 $19.99 per month

That’s how it works folks.

Oh, we have Brenda on the line.

You say he was an alcoholic.

That’s quite inconsiderate of you Brenda.

I’m sorry, young lady, that’ll be $19.99 a month.

Maisey’s on the line

She says Bruce was her dreamboat

but he left her brokenhearted.

Come on Bruce, is that any way to treat a girl?

She called in all the way from Alaska

Come on Bruce give us a call.

You people out there, yes you.

If this has ever happened to you

Be sure to call in and tell us about it.

Yes OK, we have Bruce calling in.

Boy he’s a brave one, to call.

What’s that you say, you were drafted

Into the Army in 1970.

How old are you Bruce ?

95, and Maisey, my wife is 94

Why is she calling you people?.

So long Bruce, hang in there.

Well you never know.

Crazy things can happen

That’s it for us.

We’re out of time

Remember that number
