
Holding It All In

You saw me talk about it

You saw me cry about it

You saw me fight about it

Now That I\'m

Holding It All In

You see me having to go to the hospital about it 


I can\'t speak about it

I can\'t think about it

Tears won\'t come out about it

Please I really can\'t fight about it anymore

My mind

My heart

Is weak 

One wrong move

My body may end up on the floor

Why hurt me

Why are you kicking me

Don\'t you see that I\'m down

Call 911 

Call my mom


I think I\'m dying over this right now

Last kiss

Last hug

I think you need to get it now

Don\'t cry

I cried enough for the both of us

A man in love will never kill himself


Love will do it

Love is crazier than him