
Deep Sixed

Deep Sixed

She took the love of her sailor

and deep-sixed it over the side.

It was meant to be a cruise.

Now, it seems he was taken for a ride.


The sun was brightly shining.

The wind was five knots East.

Her heart was all a-flutter

but two days out, her love ceased.


Red sky on the horizon

early at the break of dawn.

He sensed a storm was coming

though he was ill-prepared for her scorn.


It all began with a tiff, over what to do in the hot tub.

Then, how much he spent on cigars.

Then, his rude dancing in the nightclub.

Then, a shouting match in the bar.


By the fourth day he was sleeping on the cot.

They went to meals at separate times.

At the pool, she saw him with a redhead, who was hot.

That night, she verbally listed all his crimes.


They weren’t speaking, by the time they disembarked.

They each ignored the other. Left a lot of things unsaid.

They raced to be first to where the car was parked.

He won, and sped away with the redhead.