
Now lookie here....

Now lookie here....

How many more times must I tell ya?

I\'ve postponed a hymn-poem cos of this

A matter of vital importance......


They are NOT hamsters, rats, mice, wombats, or whatever

In my pic - they are guinea pigs

If otherwise, they must be mutated giant species

(Except for the wombats, which have shrunk)

So be afraid, be very afraid!


Though we\'ve seen a big rat or two

Is it the same rat each time?

In our garden it scurries off

It\'s quite a size, I admit

About the size of half a small cat


Well, ya stopped me singing a hymn today!



Here\'s those guinea pigs again

So you\'ll recognise them

You\'ll know them....Four little feet

Furry critters - might squeak

Eat quite often - 

Cabbage (never lettuce), fruit, carrots, seeds, etc.