
Swan\'s Lake

Beauty is alive, it really is 
it\'s everywhere we look 
if we keep our eyes open 
we can see it
 it\'s in every corner 

it\'s the baby crying in the pram

the man packing his shopping 
at the supermarket 

the lady on the bus reading a book

it\'s the bird flying above us 
searching for a new branch
to rest its tired wings
it\'s the ants marching
in the grass working 
to have a feast in the winter 

the ladybird on the leaf 
swaying in summer\'s wind

it\'s the rain and the thunder
​​​​​​miraculously in tune
in the same scene

it\'s the water sprayed up from a puddle 
that\'s just met a moving car
it\'s the pensioner speeding by
on his electric scooter, waving proudly to the passers by

it\'s the children feeding the ducks in the pond

it\'s the couple fighting over which film to watch this evening
it\'s the graffiti on the bridge
bright in colour 

it\'s the boat passing down
the river 

it\'s when the sunsets and magical colours bloom
when the moon rises up to take over the night sky
and a star comes shooting by 
if you look with an open heart
even for a second, you will see it too

because life really is...
a swan\'s lake.