Dev Parth

Flames of Defiance

In the heart of the storm, where the thunder roars,
Anger rises like flames, burning ancient sores.
It twists and turns, a tempest untamed,
A force of fury, wild and unnamed.

Yet within the chaos, a seed takes root,
A spark of resolve, silent and astute.
Motivation grows, like a river’s course,
Cutting through mountains with relentless force.

Through the darkest clouds, the light breaks free,
A beacon of hope in a storm-tossed sea.
Courage is the anchor, holding strong and true,
In the face of the gale, it’s the heart’s debut.

The warrior within rises, with eyes ablaze,
Facing the storm, unfazed by its craze.
Each step forward, a defiance of fate,
A testament to the spirit, to stand and create.