
Dinner Date

Dinner Date


it needed to be decided, the time was soon

a decision needed to be ultimately made

to this decision I was not immune

couldn’t let myself become worried or afraid


without that caring moment being planned

the bills I have would still be driving me mad

it depended on what I had on hand

what extras I had available to add


the cupboards were empty, lonely, they were bare

the fridge was smelly, moldy, and with expired shit

that meal I offered to my love to caringly share

the pan sat silent without heat or a drop in it


in the garbage, all the flyers from the mail

looking I grabbed something with a deal

she would arrive on time, she never fails

trying to show her how towards her I feel


a double meal for the price of just one

oriental flavored with some side drinks

with the phone call and ordering done

the time was tight, and did slowly shrink


as I waited for the food to quickly arrive

my thoughts went to of seeing her more

this relationship I want it to grow and survive

excitedly I waited for her at my door


I suddenly broke down and cried

remembering last week she died


alone I sat with drinks in a tray and food in a bag