

My throat is full of desert sand, getting worse with every fall
The tongue I have, once cracked and bleeding,
Now there is no blood at all


For weeks I prayed and nothing came, sweet relief would call my name
Now it’s just a distant dream, a foolish wish, or so it seemed


Losing every bit of strength, my destiny is worse than death
The lights around me all but gone, now dimming with my final breath


Then, a flash before my eyes, along with a familiar voice
Reminding me, that my demise, had happened from a selfish choice


“You once possessed, a love divine, 
A partner with intentions true, 
transcending all of space and time,
who only wanted love from you


But when they needed you the most, you faltered and then fell apart,
Shattering the purest soul, and left her with a broken heart


Now for all eternity, 
you must wander all alone
To feel the pain that you have caused
Slowly turning you to stone”