Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke



Time, an asset, 
Patience a virtue
many lack,
A fruit of the spirit.

Many eyes witness
the humility
of his knees,
Mouths ajar.

\"Are we dreaming?\" 
Some frenemies asked
\"Wow! Lucky her\"
A feminine voice echoed.

Unexpected joy at dawn
Faces smile in surprise, 
Palms clap in awe.

Cyonite leader, leads
by action, 
\"For this, I will renew
my membership\"
Another skirt soliloquyed.

Heaven bears witness
to this union,
An anointed Rev. Fr....
blessed their hearts. 

Many voices
with marital experiences 
pat their backs, 
Encouraging their steps, 
into the institution. 

The world is glad, 
Waiting for the traditional rites 
that culminates 
to the religious rites of Gloria and Henry.